Whistler has received three ‘Certificates of Excellence’ from travel website TripAdvisor.

The certificate is awarded to places that consistently achieve outstanding traveler reviews on the website. Whistler’s Rainbow Park, Valley Trail and the Train Wreck site where the recent recipients. All three sites currently have 4.5 star reviews with hundreds of comments from visitors.

Mayor Nancy Wilhelm-Morden says the certificates may draw new visitors to the region, and says it’s great to have the effort of parks staff recognized; “We do spend a lot of money, time and effort to ensure that all three of these places, and in fact all of the places in Whistler are up to and will meet and exceed expectations of both the resident and our guest”.

TripAdvisor hosts 760,000 attractions, tours and activities on its site, with worldwide user input.


Filed under: Rainbow Park, Resort Municipality of Whistler, Train Wreck, TripAdvisor, Valley Trail, Whistler