The District of Squamish has issued a stop-work order to a construction company working on the University Heights Phase 2 site.

The stop-work order was issued after residents in Squamish noticed dirt had slid down a hill near a clearing, above the north side of Mashiter Creek. The District of Squamish (DoS) has since begun an investigation into the situation.

The DoS engineering department says the University Heights Phase 2 site is subject to a valid Site Alteration Permit, but ‘this small area of clearing was not within the scope of the current permit’. The department says that the cleared area is for a storm-water pipeline which has been approved by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. However DoS permitting is not yet in place, which is why a stop-work order was issued for this area of the site.

Officials from the district also confirm that they are looking into fines that may be applicable for non-compliance with district bylaws. The developers qualified environmental professional is now following up to ensure that proper erosion and sediment control measures are in place to protect the Mashiter Creek from any adverse environmental impacts. District officials believe that the work taken place was not in a riparian area.




Filed under: Development, District of Squamish, Mashiter Creek, Sea to Sky, Squamish, University Heights