What are some of the most popular habits of Father’s?   Check out the results from a recent poll….that include how Dad likes to spend his free time, items most commonly found in a “man-cave”….and no one will be surprised to find “someone leaving the lights on” as one of the biggest pet peeves of Dad’s….

Where does your dad spend most of his free time?

The top answers were the living room . . . The backyard . . . And, quote, “anywhere as long as there’s a tv.”

Things you’ll find in an average dad’s “man-cave”?

A tv was the #1 answer, followed by a comfy chair. A fridge and sports collectables also made the list.

Dad’s top pet peeve?

The top five are leaving lights on . . . Changing the channel . . . Touching the thermostat . . . Leaving doors open . . . And dishes in the sink.