Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke to Mountain Mornings on January 6th to talk about his recent virtual visit with a local Whistler business. He also gave his views on the incoming US President, the public travelling to Whistler to ski during the pandemic, and shared a few stories from his own Whistler days.

The interview’s recording occurred as a mob of pro-Trump supporters started to enter the Capital Building in the U.S – the first time anyone has done so since 1812. Speaking on the emerging situation Trudeau said he was watching closely but hoped that the electoral process unfolded peacefully – something we now know wasn’t the case. 

Trudeau has been conducting virtual visits with local businesses across the country to check in and see how they have been coping with the pandemic, and how government financial assistance has helped.

Infinity Enterprises Group (IEG) was the business that was selected for the call. The company owns The Mexican Corner and Tacos La Cantina among other businesses in Whistler. The Prime Minister says it’s been a difficult time for everyone “but particularly areas that are reliant on tourism and international travel, the way Whistler is”. He said the business pointed out that they are used to a certain ebb and flow from one season to the next in terms of numbers, but that this is unprecedented and has been extremely difficult; “but the fact that the government, the federal government has been there with supports, with wage subsidies, with investments has allowed them to power through, and they’re hopeful that things are going to get better, better soon with the vaccine coming”.

IEG President and CEO Pepe Barajas says he discussed with the Prime Minister what government assistance was and wasn’t working, where the gaps where and what could be done “to make sure businesses could get to the other side of the bridge”. Barajas told the PM the importance of ensuring small entrepreneurs survive, and that it would be a shame if only large corporations survive.


You can listen to the full interview that aired on Mountain Mornings on January 7th below.


The Prime Minister also weighed in on skiers from the Lower Mainland travelling up to Whistler during the pandemic, and said “I know how tempting it can be to get out there, but the reality is we are not in normal times right now. In this pandemic we need to be following public health advice. Part of that advice is not to travel unnecessarily”.

He went on to say that he knows its tough for a community that relies on visitors from outside but that “people really need to hunker down, so we can get through this winter”.

On lighter topics Trudeau reminisced of driving his vehicle up to Whistler to ski, often listening to Mountain FM and at times requiring friends to push the vehicle through intersections. He also said he spent a lot of time hitch hiking on the Sea to Sky Highway.

The Prime Minister, who got his start as a ski instructor teaching on Blackcomb Mountain says anytime he can get up Spanky’s Ladder and drop into Ruby Bowl “is a good day for me”.


Filed under: Canada, covid-19, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister, Sea to Sky, Ski, Squamish, Whistler, Whistler Blackcomb